Market Analysis
Botmoney believes that in the near future, decentralized exchanges will overcome the volume of centralized exchanges as they are evolving persistently and offering a wide range of features as compared to centralized exchanges. As the trading volume raises, most users will have a hard- time making best investment decisions based on the bulk historical data which is why we think this is the right time to enter the market. As this consistent growth lingers, the outlook for 2023 is positive from here on out.
Market Analysis
DEXs growth has been tremendous in 2022 with record- breaking trading volumes. On that same year, DEXs reported more than $1.2 trillion in trading volumes, the figure is a massive 858% increase compared to 2021.
Apart from DeFi ecosystem, NFT industry has displayed incredible growth in 2022 and is set to reach new highs in 2023. As NFT industry progresses further, the absence of analytical tools halts countless NFTs lovers to pursue exciting new NFT projects.
Total Available Market: $1.81 trillion
Serviceable Available Market: $1.44 trillion DEXs trading volume has been inflated by 20% as last year the trading volume in the first 3 months was $108 billion.
Serviceable Available Market: $1.44 trillion DEXs trading volume has been inflated by 20% as last year the trading volume in the first 3 months was $108 billion.
Serviceable Obtainable Market: $1.44 billion The marketing strategy will be broad, with the primary focus on DEXes and NFT users.
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