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This Whitepaper is not intended to be and should not be construed to be, a prospectus or offer document of any sort and is not intended to and should not be construed to constitute an offer of shares or securities of any form, units in a business trust, units in a collective investment scheme or any other form of investment or regulated product, or a solicitation for any form of investment or regulated product in any jurisdiction. All forward-looking statements in this document have been marked with * for reference purposes. No regulatory authority has examined or approved any of the information set out in this Whitepaper. This Whitepaper has not been registered with any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction. The focus of this Whitepaper is on BOTMONEY. You may have received, been in possession of or perused this Whitepaper, which contains additional important (related) information about BOTMONEY, including the Botmoney Platform, the Botmoney Tokens and their respective functions. This Whitepaper and such other documents as may be published by the team in relation to the platform, each as may be amended, modified, or supplemented from time to time, are intended to be read in conjunction with one another. For the avoidance of doubt, all Project Documents are subject to all disclaimers, restrictions, notices, and legal provisions contained in this Whitepaper.